2011 Photos/ Enchanted Forest & Batch 2011 Kalyos

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Here's a new batch of Streblus Asper (Kalyos) for 2011.

Collected and potted by April & May 2011, these Kalyos materials came from the town of Mansalay where such trees are abundant.  As they were posted here, not all trees are guaranteed of survival, As you can see, they were just extracted from the ground and lost significant amount of roots besides the fact that I have cut & reduced the bottom part to fit into my temporary containers.  With proper care and with the help of mother nature, I do hope to make future fine bonsais out of them in the near future.

Below is a recent photo of my Kalyos Forest (Enchanted Forest) which has been featured several times in other pages of this site.  As seen in this picture, I've finally decided to reduce the trunks & branches and curved deep sharis on the two major trees as well as at the other two smaller ones. 

New Kalyos material for Forest style

A multi-trunk forest material, this Kalyos is connected to just one big major root.  There is one unknown tree that suddenly grew within the trunks, just beside the rightmost trunk.  I have not yet decided what to do with it.

Another Kalyos Forest material , with 5 major trees

This Kalyos has 5 trunks with a big shari at the main trunk that has great potentials.

A Slanting Single Trunk Kalyos

Single trunk Kalyos, slightly slanting , I'm thinking of training it for a moyogi informal upright style.


These images are free for you to download and use.